Catholic Education South Australia
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Assessments and Reporting

The assessment methods used in schools include:

  • classroom observations
  • assignments
  • performance tasks
  • conversations  / interviews / oral presentations
  • self-assessment
  • written or oral tests
  • production of objects / digital / multi-media
  • diagnostic tests or tasks

The Assessment Policy of the SA Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS, currently under review) sets out principles and practices for quality assessment in CESA schools.

Sector–wide assessments

In addition to ongoing classroom assessment of student learning, students in our schools undertake various externally-provided assessments that provide reference points for student achievement and progress in learning.

NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy)

Held in mid-May each year for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in all Australian schools, NAPLAN tests for proficiency in reading, writing, spelling, numeracy, grammar and punctuation.

Please consult the official NAPLAN website for general information, test dates for the coming years and information for parents and carers to support their children.

Early Years Assessment (Literacy)

This assessment was developed by CESA for early identification of support for literacy and is available for students in their fifth term of schooling.

Early Years Numeracy Observation Assessment

This assessment was developed by CESA for early identification of students’ knowledge of mathematics as is available for students in their first two years of schooling.

Many SA Catholic schools use various diagnostic tests to provide calibrated standardised assessment of students’ learning achievement at particular year levels. Information about specific tests is available from each school.


The Australian Curriculum achievement standards are the reference point for assessment and reporting of learning areas at each year level in SA Catholic schools.

Throughout the year many opportunities exist for communication between families, schools and students in relation to learning, including:

  • Families - engaging in learning conversations
  • Schools - sharing learning experiences
  • Students - learning feedback and reporting progress and achievement

Student reports form one part of the information to families regarding the progress and achievements of their child and provide a further opportunity for families, teachers and students to build and maintain quality learning conversations and partnerships.

Each school has its own format and timing for reporting to parents on students’ learning.

Currently, all schools are required by Commonwealth law to provide parents with a written report of each student’s progress at least twice a year. For full details of these requirements, please refer to the Reporting Guidelines for Catholic schools document below.