Catholic Education South Australia
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Vocational Learning provides students with a vocational awareness and orientation through opportunities to be better informed about their options in work, workplaces, further education and training.

It also provides valuable industry knowledge that can be used as integral components within such programs as Work Skills, Employability Skills, Enterprise Education, Community and Recognised Learning, Career Education in Schools and Business Partnerships.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) refers to industry accredited training that leads to a nationally recognised qualification within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

Take a look at the CESA Vocational Education website - a fantastic resource to promote and strengthen vocational pathways available through Catholic secondary schools in SA and a handy tool to located VET courses, information and resources.

VET in Schools Programs

VET for Schools programs provide valuable learning options for secondary students and can be an integral component to their SACE program.

These programs allow students to combine vocational education & training (VET) with their SACE curriculum.  Students participating in VET continue to work towards their SACE, as the VET component of their studies gives them credit towards their SACE and also contributes towards a nationally recognised qualification.

Our secondary schools offer a range of VET for Schools programs.

VET programs include:

  • Trade Training and Trade Skills Centres: a number of our colleges offer specialist VET programs in a range of industry areas including electronics, carpentry, hospitality, tourism, metals and engineering. Students attending VET courses at these Trade Training and Trade Skills Centres gain nationally recognised qualifications in purpose built facilities, whilst completing their secondary schooling.
  • AUSPICE: VET units can be delivered within the school curriculum offerings through a formal agreement with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). These are usually delivered by specially qualified school teachers in conjunction with their senior secondary studies.
  • External VET programs, including Training Guarantee for SACE students (TGSS), offer students an opportunity to access VET courses delivered by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).  Courses range from Certificate I to Certificate IV are from a wide range of trade and technical trade areas such as hair and beauty, business, IT, media, automotive, animal studies, allied health, event management, electrical, plumbing, sport and recreation. These are usually delivered at the RTO training facilities.
  • School Based Apprenticeships/Traineeships (SBAT or ASBA) allow senior secondary students to begin an apprenticeship or traineeship in Years 10, 11 or 12 and combine paid work and structured work-related training with their SACE studies. This provides students the opportunity to commence their careers whilst completing their secondary schooling.

Catholic Technical Colleges

Two of our Catholic technical colleges, Marcellin Technical College and St Patrick’s Technical College, are specialist senior secondary colleges for Year 11 and 12 students who are seeking a trade career in conjunction with completing their secondary schooling.

The technical colleges offer unique trade focused SACE courses and students receive mentoring and support from industry experienced teachers and trainers. The colleges work in collaboration with an extensive network of industry associations, employers, training providers and group training organisations to present opportunities for students to commence their trade career through a School Based Apprenticeship/Traineeship (SBAT).