Catholic Education South Australia
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At the heart of the work of the Catholic school is the invitation for students to engage in a new conversation between the world they know and the faith to which they are called

Catholic schools create formative experiences that are inspired by Catholic faith and which resonate with the cultural contexts of their families.

In a Catholic school all curriculum areas have a religious dimension which pervades the whole life of the school. While ‘religious education’ can be understood in a broad sense which encompasses the religious nature of the school life, there is also a core Learning Area called ‘Religious Education’ with a particular curriculum. 

The Religious Education curriculum also includes the Made In the Image of God Human Sexuality Program, which is based on the fundamental belief that humans are made in God’s image and deserve upmost dignity and respect.

The “On Holy Ground” document, developed in partnership with Catholic Earthcare Australia, outlines an ecological vision for Catholic Schools in South Australia, which seeks to help guide them towards sustainability.  It is available for download below.

All schools are supported in the Religious Education by our Religious Education team.

Download On Holy Ground