Catholic Education South Australia
10 Dec 2020
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Bus subsidy to benefit rural families

For some time, Catholic Education South Australia has been lobbying to obtain better access to school buses for children attending Catholic schools in regional South Australia.

“Access to government-managed school buses for students traveling to and from Catholic schools is a long-standing issue that has impacted many families living in regional and rural areas,” explains Nichii Mardon, Director, Catholic Education Port Pirie Diocese.

After considerable lobbying by Catholic Education SA, and with the support of many families with children in our schools, this issue was recognised in the lead up to the last State election with the Liberal party making a commitment to undertake a review.

The Review of School Bus Services in Regional SA has been undertaken, and as a result the State Government has committed $4 million over the next four years (one million dollars per annum plus 2.5% indexation) to subsidise transport costs for children who attend regional Catholic schools.

“I would like to take this opportunity to recognise the SA Government, and particularly the Minister for Education, Minister Gardner MP, for supporting regional students and their families in this way,” said Ms Mardon.

Following the announcement of the funding commitment, the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools (SACCS) moved swiftly to establish a task force to develop a plan for allocating the grant funding and improving equity, accessibility, opportunity and outcomes for regional families.

“From 2021, families who access a school-managed bus service and who reside more than 5km from their nearest regional Catholic school will receive a subsidy worth 60% of the annual cost of accessing the school bus,” she said.

Schools will ensure that any family who qualifies for the bus subsidy will receive this discount from next year.

“We are very aware that this issue impacts each regional school in different ways and the type of support needed varies from location to location. Wherever possible, funding will also be allocated to address issues that may exist for individual families to support children accessing transport to/from school.

The Minister has also confirmed that existing arrangements will continue for the many children who currently access government school buses to attend a Catholic school.

“I wish to thank everyone who made submissions to the review or has lobbied in other ways for a fairer deal for our students.”  

Families should contact their local school principal for more information.

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