A new year of educational opportunities

Catholic Education South Australia proudly extends its congratulations to the exceptional achievements of the "Class of 2024" in their SACE results. These results are a reflection of our students' determination, resilience, and dedication, supported by the invaluable guidance and encouragement of our committed educators and the students' families.
Twenty students from Catholic schools in South Australia have been named among the winners in two major state-wide Humanities competitions.
Earlier this year, senior school students from across South Australia were invited to enter the 2024 Premier’s Anzac Spirit School Prize and the Muriel Matters Awards.
Two Catholic schools in South Australia; Whitefriars Catholic School, Woodville Park and St Francis of Assisi College, Renmark have taken home awards for excellence in storytelling, raising awareness, and the performing arts for their performances as part of the 2024 National Wakakirri Story-Dance Festival.
Wakakirri is Australia’s largest performing arts event for schools with 180 schools from across the country taking part in 2024. Participating schools are inspired by the Wakakirri ethos ‘great stories inspire change’ to create and perform story-dances that reflect students’ thoughts, ideas and aspirations. This year’s theme was ‘Belonging’.
Catholic Education South Australia Executive Director, Dr. Neil McGoran, was in London yesterday attending the launch of The Commonwealth at 75, a commemorative publication celebrating 75 years of the Commonwealth. Held at the historic Westminster Abbey, the launch highlighted the achievements of leaders across the Commonwealth’s 56 member nations and marked King Charles III’s new role as Head of the Commonwealth.
Simple changes to the parish-school relationship have created greater community understanding
From little things, big things grow. For St John the Baptist School, the saying couldn’t be more apt.
Generations connect to create understanding, share stories and learn together
Mary MacKillop College Year 9 students Sienna and Ashlyn are meeting a new older friend, Judy Rogers, who regales them with stories of flying from London to New York on Concorde and the time she carried the Olympic torch 500m along Addison Rd before handing it off to Gavin Wanganeen.
Students learn Indigenous histories, cultures and traditional skills through nature
An inspiring project at St Joseph’s School West Hindmarsh is bringing the oldest culture in the world into the lives of some of Australia’s youngest students.
Five Catholic school students and a group of primary school children from Xavier College have been recognised as informed citizens in the 2023 Governor’s Civics Awards for Schools.
Almost 500 scholarships have been offered to primary and secondary school-aged children and young people in care, thanks to an ongoing collaboration between Catholic Education South Australia and the Department for Child Protection.
Five students from Catholic schools have been named among the winners in the prestigious 2023 Premier’s Anzac Spirit School Prize competition which is run annually by the South Australian state government to encourage young South Australians to understand, connect with and maintain the Anzac Spirit.