Catholic Education South Australia
28 Aug 2017
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Way2Go Bike Ed is "Super Fun"

We’ve all heard the expression “It’s as easy as riding a bike ….” But is it that easy?  Primary students are getting a practical lesson in bike riding that gives them more confidence and a greater road sense.

Way2Go Bike Ed is part of the Way2Go program that provides bicycle education for primary school students aged 9-13 years (Years 4-7). It is funded and managed by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure. The program develops students’ confidence and competence as safe bike riders for travel to and from school.

St Teresa’s School at Brighton have been taking part in Way2Go Bike Ed every second year for the last six years and love the program.

St Teresa’s Physical Education Coordinator, Jamie Mulcahy said, “Kids love it, it gives them the opportunity to ride to school and helps them to know what is expected when they ride on the road.”

Year five student Sophie said “Now I feel more safe with riding than I used to do. I’d like to ride to the shops, maybe to a friend’s house and to school.”

“I would recommend Bike Ed, it’s super fun!”

Way2Go Bike Ed registrations for 2018 are open. Schools have until Friday 22 September to register for 2018. Register here

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