Catholic Education South Australia
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Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher Certification

Application Process

The Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) Certification is CESA’s flagship program to recognise and reward expert teachers who want to continue developing colleagues practice while staying in the classroom.

HALT certification recognises highly effective, innovative, and exemplary teaching practice. Certification is portable as Highly Accomplished Teachers (HATs) and Lead Teachers (LTs) are certified through a national process in each participating state or territory. ​​​​​​​

It enables teachers to receive feedback on their practice and have their practice evaluated by nationally trained assessors who are external to the school. It exposes teachers to communities of practice and supports them to further develop and grow as a professional whilst improving outcomes for students.

Certification recognises and promotes the development of collaborative learning professionals who strive to continually reflect upon and improve their practice. Certification supports teachers to explore their practice at the HAT or LT career stage of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead teachers has three purposes:

  • recognise and promote quality teaching
  • provide an opportunity for teachers to reflect on their practice
  • provide a reliable indication of quality teaching that can be used to identify, recognise and/or reward HAT and LT.

Nationally certified teachers are highly regarded by their colleagues and should be seen as teachers who achieve great outcomes for their students learning and wellbeing. They support the development of colleagues and are viewed by others as contributing positively and respectively to the community and to the work of the school and more broadly the sector. They demonstrate the values of the Catholic ethos, maintain high ethical standards and exercise sound judgement in all school and community context.

For the most up to date information about the about the application process, renewal of certification, the assessor training and the HALT alumni head over to  CESA HALT Intranet Site .

For further information contact:
The Early Career and Teacher Certification Advisors:

Adrian Dilger and Belinda Radcliffe

Code of Conduct for CESA Employees

The Code of Conduct articulates the standards of conduct which are required of all staff employed in Catholic Education SA. It also assists all staff to understand clearly the expectations of them as well as their responsibilities and obligations during working hours and outside of working hours. It is available for download below.

Download Code of Conduct

Charter for Staff in Catholic Schools SA

Animated by our Catholic faith and in partnership with families, our schools are communities that create opportunities for encountering life to the full – in all it’s personal, religious, political, ecological and cultural richness.

Our staff are critical to the realisation of the mission of Catholic schools and by our word and action we give witness to that mission.

The staff charter guides the way staff interact and work with students, colleagues, parents, school community, professionals and other school community members.

The document explains how we witness faith, contribute to culture and build partnerships.

Download CESA Charter for Staff