Our school community, that includes preschool, playgroup and an Out of School Hours Care, provides a safe, welcoming environment for all students.
We understand that one of the most important decisions your family will make is the selection of the right school for your children. We work in partnership with parents/carers to develop your child to their fullest potential. Our staff look forward to meeting your family, and that your child finds a happy, friendly and secure atmosphere at our school and one that will stimulate them to learn and discover their place in our world.
Our Catholic beliefs, values and traditions form the basis of our school community and are taught both in a formal religious education program and throughout the school. Our staff are exceptionally professional, passionate and enthusiastic, and each member brings to the community a diverse wealth of experiences and skills who give generously their time and expertise to ensure all students experience success.
Our school community, that includes preschool, playgroup and an Out of School Hours Care, provides a safe, welcoming environment for all students.
We understand that one of the most important decisions your family will make is the selection of the right school for your children. We work in partnership with parents/carers to develop your child to their fullest potential. Our staff look forward to meeting your family, and that your child finds a happy, friendly and secure atmosphere at our school and one that will stimulate them to learn and discover their place in our world.
Our Catholic beliefs, values and traditions form the basis of our school community and are taught both in a formal religious education program and throughout the school. Our staff are exceptionally professional, passionate and enthusiastic, and each member brings to the community a diverse wealth of experiences and skills who give generously their time and expertise to ensure all students experience success.
8415 1100
10 Ina Avenue, Ottoway 5013