Catholic Education South Australia
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The high quality of the learning and teaching in the Catholic Education SA network is something we strive to uphold. 

Our teachers deliver a comprehensive curriculum in their classrooms, supported by school leadership and our parents - in a partnership designed to ensure every student experiences success according to their unique characteristics and talent.

Australian Curriculum

Our schools use the Australian Curriculum as the basis for their teaching and learning programs. It is the foundation for high quality teaching to meet the needs of all Australian students.

Early Years Learning

In their early years, children learn how to learn, and build their confidence through hands-on, and discovery-based activities.

CESA has a range of Early Years Services to help fire the imaginations and natural curiosity of our youngest learners.

And our partnership with the Little Scientists project ensures our educator and teachers are at the forefront of STEM teaching to boost our children’s interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Assessments and Reporting

Assessment is a fundamental part of the learning process, especially important in providing feedback to the learner and to the teacher.

This is perhaps best illustrated by this quote: “The most powerful single moderator that enhances achievement is feedback” John Hattie,  University of Auckland, 1999 Inaugural Professorial Lecture.

Effective assessment in schools draws on a range of assessment methods to provide information that can inform future learning and be used for reporting on student progress.

Religious Education

At the heart of the work of the Catholic school is the invitation for students to engage in a new conversation between the world they know and the faith to which they are called

Religious education is a key part of the life of our schools.


The South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) is internationally recognised as the educational pathway most South Australian students would use to gain entry to TAFE and university courses in South Australia, interstate and overseas.

Vocational Education

Read more at our Vocational Education website!

Every student in SA Catholic secondary schools is entitled to a learning pathway that maximises their post compulsory schooling options and hopes for a career.

Our schools offer an inclusive curriculum which supports students through the secondary years of schooling and in particular prepares and creates pathways into a range of post schooling destinations such as further education, training and employment.

The unique balance and offering of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) is inclusive of Vocational Education and other programs in recognition of the fact that all students deserve access to diverse pathways and support for whichever options they choose to follow.