Catholic Education South Australia
Catholic Education South Australia, Primary
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Complaint Response and Resolution Procedure

If you have feedback or a complaint, in the first instance, please make contact with your child’s teacher and/or the school Principal, to endeavour to resolve your matter locally. The school, in most circumstances is in the best position to understand your concerns.

If you need to raise your feedback or complaint with the Catholic Education Office following your discussion with the school, please visit our Contact page where you can notify us by filling in the form under Contact Us. Please include sufficient details, including your name, daytime contact number and email address, the school your child attends and your child’s name and all relevant information relating to your feedback or complaint. When we receive your correspondence, we will discern the most appropriate person to help resolve your matter which may include referring it to the school Principal or a Senior Consultant in this office. 

For further information on the procedure for handling your feedback or complaint, please read Grievance Response and Resolution - Information for Complainants.

Complaint Procedure

The South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools has a Complaint Response and Resolution Procedure that explains the measures available to respond and resolve complaints from staff, students, their families and the public.