Catholic Education South Australia
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Catholic education is based on Gospel values that place an emphasis on the spiritual dimension of students’ lives and their faith development.

These values - such as respect, dignity, equality, compassion, truth, love and mercy - while widely-held in the wider community, become personalised and are articulated in the religious dimension of the Catholic faith.  The expression of our values is brought about through the interactions and activities within our community and promoted at practical level through social justice outreach to organisations such as Vinnies and Caritas.

Traditionally, many of our schools have been established based on the values or charisms of founding orders such as Dominican, Mercy or Josephites and these are highlighted within these schools with prominence given to celebrating particular characteristics and principles.

Inclusivity is one of the touchstones of our beliefs.

Our Living Learning Leading Framework

The Living Learning Leading Framework gives us a foundation for understanding what we do in Catholic Education - who we are, what we value and how we partner with our families to ensure our students thrive.

Do I need to be Catholic?

No, we welcome people of many faiths and stages of their spiritual journey.

Our schools particularly focus on understanding and recognising the range of faith experiences within their communities.

National Student Wellbeing Program (NSWP)

The National Student Wellbeing Program (2024-2027) aims to support  schools in promoting the wellbeing of students by providing funds that contribute to the  maintenance or establishment of chaplaincy and student wellbeing services in the school. The NSWP consists of the provision of chaplaincy and/or student wellbeing services in Australian schools to support the wellbeing of Australian students through:

  • pastoral care services; and
  • strategies developed in consultation with the school community, relevant school staff  and school principal, that support the wellbeing of the broader community, for example  coordinating volunteering activities and support, breakfast clubs, lunchtime activities,  excursions, school incursions, and parent/carer workshops.

The NSWP is a complementary service to those provided by qualified specialists. In a Catholic school, pastoral care for supporting wellbeing includes social, emotional, spiritual dimensions.