Catholic Education South Australia
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01 Feb 2021
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Welcome to the 2021 school year

A message to our families, leaders, educators, staff and students from Dr Neil McGoran, Director, Catholic Education SA, as we begin the 2021 school year. 

Aren’t we glad to have 2020 behind us? It was certainly a year that challenged us, but one that enabled us to learn a lot about ourselves and also the importance of community and being together, and the opportunities we have in Catholic education to make a real difference for young people, families and the community.


To our families… We’re committed to your children.  

We at Catholic education, all of the staff who work here, are committed to Catholic education, for the purpose of supporting your children in their learning, their formation, their development and their wellbeing.

We have the opportunity to listen attentively to what young people are saying to us. Each term, every student in our schools has the opportunity to speak directly to his or her teachers, to their principal, and to me, to express how they are feeling about themselves, their learning, their relationships, and their sense of belonging in the community. All students are being given a voice they are entitled to, and one that we will listen to.

We are also recognising the challenges for families at the moment. Following the fee reductions in our primary schools in 2020, we will continue that work into this year and next year in our secondary schools. Our Catholic schools are available to anybody. If you experience challenges, we will work with you to ensure that your child is able to have a Catholic education that makes a difference to their lives.

2021 is a time of partnership, and it’s a time of trust. And fundamentally it is a time of being together and supporting one another through the challenges that inevitably arise as we work our way through young people’s learning, wellbeing, growth and development.

To our leaders, educators, and staff… We’re in this together.  

Last year, we learnt a lot about each other. We learnt that in times of challenge, when we’re together we are incredibly strong and united, and we are awfully creative. 

Through all of those challenges, as staff, we came together fundamentally to ensure the learning entitlement for young people was maintained and fulfilled, and we did that brilliantly.

I’m excited about what it is you have in front of you in 2021. I ask you to be curious, ask questions, always explore how things may be done differently and how you can respond in new ways. And ask how we may listen more attentively to each other and to our young people, who are all born for this wonderful life where they can make a contribution, be passionate, and be loved.

Best wishes for 2021. I thank you for your enormous commitment and your rare expertise and passion you all have.

To our children and young people… We’re here for you.

Our commitment to you is that you matter. Your education, wellbeing and development are the most important things we’re going to focus on this year.

You have an opportunity to show your true self in everything you do in your learning and your formation and development.

I want our Catholic schools to do two things – allow you to be an amazing person, but also to be there when you try something and it didn’t work and you need to get up again.  

We’ll be there for you in both ways.


Best wishes for 2021. It’s going to be a great year. No doubt we’ll experience things we’ve never thought about but we’ve got the agility and capacity to deal with those because fundamentally we’re people of faith and we are people who are committed to one another and to doing the right thing for everybody and our community.

Go well.
Dr Neil McGoran

Catholic Education South Australia

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