Catholic Education South Australia
24 Apr 2020
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Student transition back to school in Term 2

Catholic schools and colleges in South Australia remain open for Term 2.

In keeping with the latest advice, all schools in Catholic Education SA are encouraging parents and carers to send their children back to school in Week 1 of Term 2.

On Wednesday, the SA Chief Public Health Officer, Nicola Spurrier, and Premier Marshall stated strongly that parents should plan to send their children back to school. Professor Spurrier repeated health advice that schools continue to be safe places for students and staff. 

“Our schools are safe”, said Dr Neil McGoran, Director, Catholic Education South Australia. “We’ve been reminded of that by the health authorities, by the premier and by the minister”.

It is recognised that some parents might want to wait a little longer. “We respect parents right to choose to keep their children home – particularly where there may be other underlying health issues”, said Neil.

Parents who are concerned that their child may be at higher risk due to an existing medical condition is encouraged to seek medical advice and discuss the matter with their school principal.

In Week 1, while we see student numbers returning, our staff will deliver learning in an online mode to all students, whether they are at school or at home. 

This will then be reviewed during the week and then refined in readiness for Week 2 as part of our transition back to face to face learning for all in every school.  

“If your child is learning from home, your child is still learning in a class provided by the teacher. You are not expected to be a teacher”, said Neil.

During this time of transition in Term 2, the health and wellbeing of students and staff remain our priority.

“We will continue to ensure that our schools are safe environments with appropriate physical distancing, hygiene and additional cleaning measures in place”, said Neil.

These measures include encouraging students and staff to:

  • Stay home if they are unwell
  • Sanitise hands when entering school and at regular intervals
  • Defer activities that lead to mixing between classes and year levels
  • Avoid queuing

At this time, all large gatherings such as school assemblies and masses, excursions and camps, competition sport and extra-curricular activities are still on hold. Your school will update you when this changes.

Parents are encouraged to observe social distancing while picking up and dropping off their children.

Whether you drive your children to and from school, or walk to school, all parents and carers are encouraged to drop off and pick up children at the school gate(s), stay in the car if driving and observe social distancing if walking children to and from school. Staff will be ready at the gates to greet students and to ensure that they transit to their classrooms safely.

Whether you choose to send your child to school, or keep them at home a little longer, our staff are ready to support your child in their learning.

“We are genuinely excited at the prospect of students returning to school and as we navigate through this transition back to school together”, said Neil. “We acknowledge that there may be a few challenges along the way. We appreciate the partnership we have with families and look forward to overcoming any challenges together”.

“Most importantly, we’re doing this together to make sure that our children feel safe, and are able to learn, and feel cared for and cared about, so that they can start to get back to learning, playing sport, music, and all of the things they love, sooner rather than later”.


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