Catholic Education South Australia

Nurturing Wellbeing

Looking after our physical and mental wellbeing is vitally important - especially during times of crisis. Here, we offer practical experiences for children, young people and adults to help maintain their wellbeing whilst they are at home with their families. We need to remember our physical distancing without losing our social connectedness.


Wellbeing Hub

This is a space for educators, parents and students to build safe, inclusive and connected school communities that promote wellbeing and learning. It is part of the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework.

Link: Student Wellbeing Hub

Very Well Mind

Emotional self-regulation refers to the ability to manage disruptive emotions and impulses. In the most basic sense, it involves controlling one's behavior, emotions, and thoughts in the pursuit of long-term goals. A skill required for practicing mindfulness.

Link: Very Well Mind

Preparing for Remote Learning

With the increasing spread of COVID-19, countries around the world are implementing preventative measures. For some it means the closure of schools and a movement towards remote learning with children transitioning to online lessons. This site supports parents and caregivers to provide emotional support to their children.

Link: SchoolTV

Calm Kid Central

Calm Kid Central has created a 5 minute video for children to watch to help them learn:

  • What the coronavirus is and how it spreads
  • What they can do to help
  • What the world is doing to manage the problem
  • How they can manage their worries about it

It is a positive video - and provides an optimistic way of looking at the current crisis. There is also a discussion guide and activity sheet for them under the video link. There are other free resources via the link and further activities via subscription.

Link: Calm Kid Central

Australian Childhood Foundation Resource - At Home together

Following are some online activity ideas for families to access and share together at home. Engaging in the four Ms every day- Movement, Mindfulness, Making and Message – might be a simple scaffold to engage with when sharing extended time together at home.

Download At home together with the 4 Ms

Australian Childhood Foundation - Resource Many Ways to Share a Hug

This activity explains the reasons why we cannot hug during the Covid 19. It shares all the different ways we can share a hug and possibly make one too.

Download Many Ways to Share a Hug

Australian Childhood Foundation Resource - A-Z Activities at Home with the Family

When families are at home spending time together, a challenge can be finding things to do that connect us with our children and our children with each other and us. We have put together an alphabet full of ideas that might help. You can use this list to select activities each day – some are relaxing and some are more active – but all are about connecting.

Download At Home A-Z handout v2

Australian Childhood Foundation Resource - Like a Tree

Coronavirus is here and our children know it. It is worrying and frightening many of us at the moment. Nature offers us some metaphors to help our children and young people make their way through the anxiety and concern that they may be feeling at this time. What if we were to think of ourselves as trees right now- living through a storm passing around us?

Download At Home Tree Handout