Catholic Education South Australia

CESA Learning Diversity and Equity Advisors will continue to support schools by email, phone and online video conferencing platforms to ensure that students with disability have access to the same learning as other students. The Learning Diversity and Equity Team will continue to support schools to make reasonable learning adjustments for students with disability, aligned with their Personalised Plan for Learning (PPL) to access, participate and learn along with their peers. In this online learning space, the ongoing connection with students will provide evidence of learning adjustments as required by the NCCD.

Planning for Personalised Learning

In designing personalised learning, teachers will consider the planning process and learning supports available which provide adjustments for access, participation and learning.
Things to consider:

  • Have you identified the students with disability in your class?
  • How are you going to maintain the team around the child, considering their relationship with ESO, counsellor, specialist staff, etc?
  • What is the best way to proactively provide support and regular communication to students with disability and their families? 
  • Who will maintain this regular contact? How and when will this occur?
  • To ensure continuity, how will you ensure that staff involved with the child have access to class learning and communication?
  • How can you utilise the skills of other staff to coordinate the student’s access to appropriately levelled texts for the tasks?
  • What process could you set up for the student and/or family to follow if they require further support to monitor the effectiveness of the adjustments provided?
  • How will you keep a record of regular contact to ensure evidence of consultation and collaboration for NCCD?
  • How will you consider planning before, during and after the lesson?
  • How will you monitor students during lessons and document the students who require additional support or scaffolding? 
  • How will you assess students’ learning?
  • How will you monitor the engagement of students and respond to their changing needs?
  • How will you review and monitor the effectiveness of the adjustments? 

Teacher Planning:

Be aware of students with disability in your class. 

  • The impact of the disability relative to the learning tasks and the mode of delivery
  • Adjustments required for access, participation and learning within your classroom and how these can be transferred to the current delivery mode 
  • The literacy demands of the task and how these can be adjusted or scaffolded for all students to access
  • How the learning can be scaffolded to ensure access, eg visual prompts to support the text
  • How and when a sample text could be provided
  • The ability for students to access reading materials
  • How you could provide scaffolding or highlighting of main points for some students 
  • The vocabulary required for the task and how it can be pre-taught
  • Setting regular times for new learning to be provided to students
  • Processes for communicating roles and responsibilities for ESOs and support staff so they can effectively support individual learning
  • Communication processes between ESOs, support staff and the teacher 
  • How you are going to collect data on students’ access and participation 
  • How you are going assess learning



  • Providing support packs for students with disability relevant to the student
  • Grouping of students to ensure differentiation
  • Additional support for students to find and access appropriate online resources and materials to support learning tasks
  • Strategies which motivate, scaffold and maintain focus during tasks
  • Providing clarification, prompting and feedback to individual students
  • Providing explicit prompting and guidance when working through materials and tasks
  • Clarifying instructions, modelling and scaffolding tasks and breaking tasks into manageable chunks
  • Checking in with students regarding general access and progress
  • Supporting students to use accessibility tools

Small Group/Individual Intervention Support


  • How students will access interventions they require and who will lead these interventions, in small groups or 1:1. Plan these programs as required
  • The diverse learning needs of your students. How can these interventions be accessed by students using your current online learning platforms, eg Teams and SEQTA, or through phone conversations?
  • The current and ongoing role of the ESO in supporting your planning and delivery of learning.


Please note that resources will be continually developed on this page to support teachers and ESOs.