Catholic Education South Australia
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St James School

St James Catholic School provides students with a broad range of engaging experiences that enable them to be capable, successful learners. Established in the Josephite tradition, we aspire to the teachings of Jesus and focus on the Christian Gospel Values of love, honesty, compassion, respect, care, gratitude, forgiveness and justice.

We specialise in The Arts, Music and Physical Education. We offer learning support across the school, each child’s progress is carefully monitored. The Wellbeing Coordinator works with individuals and groups to support the emotional health and wellbeing of students and their families. Our whole of school learning is about: developing capabilities; restorative practices; student agency; differentiated instruction; using evidence for feedback and planning; sustainability; and social justice.

The school hosts ‘Little Jimmies’ playgroup once a week with themed hands-on activities.

We are committed to knowing our students and working in partnership with our families and wider community.  

8637 9100
1 King Edward Terrace, Jamestown 5491
School Type
Year Levels
Early Year Services
Supported Playgroup (CESA)
Governing Authority
Diocese of Port Pirie