Catholic Education South Australia
15 Dec 2017
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Royal Commission findings

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse released its final report on December 15.

“We acknowledge the terrible suffering of victims and their families; the courage shown by those who have told their stories and been a voice for change; and the failure of the Catholic Church to protect children from harm or respond adequately to their cries for help,” said Dr Neil McGoran, Director of Catholic Education South Australia.

“The Royal Commission shines a light on the wrongs of the past and points to ways we can ensure our schools and institutions are safe places for children.

“Catholic Education South Australia is committed to working with the government, the Church and other institutions to ensure we do all that we can to protect our most vulnerable.”


You can read statements from the following organisations below:

Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide <Vicar General Statement, Dec 15, 2017>
Australian Catholic Bishops Conference <ACBC Statement, Dec 15, 2017>
National Catholic Education Commission <NCEC Statement, Dec 15, 2017>

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