Catholic Education South Australia
17 Oct 2018
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St Catherine's School wins Sustainable Communities Award

Students from Year 5 recently represented St Catherine’s School at the KESAB Sustainable Communities Award Ceremony - held at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. At the Ceremony, they were awarded the KESAB Overall Project winner in the 'Outstanding School Project' category for their Aquaponics Project.

Sustainable Communities (formerly Tidy Towns) is a focus for hundreds of regional communities to showcase positive actions taken by communities, schools, businesses and councils across SA to protect their local environment, enhance their towns, embrace sustainability and showcase their initiatives.

“Long-term sustainable practices are now entrenched in regional communities and the 2018 awards have again showcased the best examples,” said Program Manager, Alex Hammett. “Small, medium and large towns from across the state submitted entries into the Awards this year and the quality was high!”

“The program is all about people getting together to contribute to a better place to live, work and play, to create a place where visitors are delighted to come, and locals want to stay. At the same time it’s about protecting, conserving, managing and improving SA’s precious natural environment. Entering the awards is a way of recognising and acknowledging the hard work, long hours, bright ideas, passion, enthusiasm and spirit of regional South Australians and their communities,” Alex Hammett, KESAB Community Engagement Manager said.

St Catherine's students presented and showcased their schools Aquaponics Program at the awards in a confident and enthusiastic manner. They did a great job of sharing their knowledge and voices at such an event.

St Catherine’s School was announced the winner of the ‘Outstanding School Project’ category and the students were very pleased to accept this award on behalf of their school. Being involved in such an event was a huge honour and has helped continue the enthusiasm for the aquaponics program in 2019.

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Catholic Education South Australia is leading a project focused on Pedagogical Leadership for the Middle Years Inquiry.

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