Catholic Education South Australia
17 Apr 2018
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SPiCE Playgroups

One of the best ways to help your child – and especially your family – ease into school is through a SPiCE playgroup!

SPiCE (Supported Playgroups in Catholic Education) playgroups are taking over our schools, with more to be added to the current 45.

More than 650 families across the state are playing and learning with their children, and they report increased confidence in talking with Early Years Services staff about their child’s progress.

Having a SPiCE playgroup operating in the school enables school staff to become familiar faces and to build early relationships with families, according to Catholic Education South Australia early childhood adviser, Tina Adamo.

“SPiCE provides CESA schools with a pathway for engaging with children and their families in the years before starting Reception,” she said.

“Our Principals are telling us that our playgroups are helping families understand how they can best help their child in the early years of their learning, and having fun at the same time!”

SPiCE playgroups are run by a trained coordinator for one or two sessions a week in schools. By focussing on literacy, numeracy and learning through play, SPiCE playgroups are a powerful way for parents to engage, and learn how to best support their child on their learning journey.

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