Catholic Education South Australia
20 Mar 2018
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Loreto student receives SACE Art Show award

Last night was the opening of the 2018 SACE Art Show. The event showcases emerging artists from around the State.

Ava Viscariello, who attended Loreto College, was one of nine graduates to receive an award.

Ava received the “Poster Award” and her artwork “It Suits” will feature on all promotional material for the 2019 SACE Art Show.

The five-week exhibition is held at the Light Square Gallery and features paintings and drawings, sculptures, jewellery, costumes and multimedia works created by 135 Year 12 students in the Visual Arts – Art and Design – Design subjects in 2017.

The opening of the 36th art show last night saw nine SACE graduates receive awards across six categories.

Morgan Russell received the Flinders University Visual Arts Award for her piece ‘Turn on the Light’, which was inspired by her late grandfather’s battle with dementia.

Other award winners were:

  • Poster Award, sponsored by the Minister for Youth: Ava Viscariello – ‘It Suits.’
  • Regional Encouragement Award, sponsored by the Minister for Youth: Lhord Manguera, ‘South of the Void’, and Charlotte Campion ‘Element Design’.
  • UniSA Enterprising Artist Award: Chloe Everett ‘Drag: The Living Testimony’
  • Eckersley’s Encouragement Award: Edward Ting ‘Untitled’, Shae McDonald ‘Sense of Loss’, and Elise Clements ‘Uncovered’.
  • Peace Foundation SACE Art Show Award: Lily Drummond ‘The Heart of the Ocean’.

SACE Board of SA Chief Executive Professor Martin Westwell congratulated the award winners and all the exhibiting students.

“Every student exhibiting at the 2018 SACE Art Show has demonstrated why the SACE is a valuable qualification.

“Through the SACE, these students have developed and applied critical and creative thinking to create an amazing array of art work that is now on display at the SACE Art Show.”

The public have the chance to vote for their favourite art work in the Credit Union SA Community Award. The award is presented at the end of the exhibition to the artist with the most votes, who will receive $500, with the runner-up receiving $250.

Credit Union SA CEO Mr Grant Strawbridge said the Credit Union was very proud to again support this event.

“Our ongoing collaboration with the SACE Art Show helps young South Australian artists connect their artworks with the wider South Australian community.” Mr Strawbridge said.

“The amount of effort and skill demonstrated by the artists, complemented by the support and guidance of their teachers is immense and clearly visible in the outstanding quality of pieces on display.

“This exposure encourages our young people to build a brighter future in the arts in South Australia, and we congratulate every exhibitor for their incredible efforts and talent.”


Exhibition Open Hours

The exhibition will run from Tuesday 20 March to Tuesday 24 April at Light Square Gallery, from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm weekdays, and 10.00 am to 4.00 pm Saturdays.

The exhibition will be closed for the Easter break, from Friday 30 March to Monday 2 April.

To find out more go to


Photo description - Ava Viscariello, Loreto College graduate, is receiving her award from guest speaker Henry Thong, a movie maker and picture taker from Those Creatives. 

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