Catholic Education South Australia
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21 Sep 2017
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Kildare College gets back to nature

Kildare College students were invited to assist BioR in their bird-banding activities at Frahn’s Farm, Monarto, as part of Science week in August.

BioR is a not-for-profit organisation that generates funds, knowledge and practical skills to re-construct habitats to support native wildlife in heavily cleared agricultural landscapes.

The theme of the day was preservation, not only of the woodland bird species, but also of the landscape, with BioR sharing information about their long term restoration plan for the property.

After an initial introduction to the site, the students were shown the process of banding the birds, ie. holding, weighing, recording vital information, and then were able to hold and feed some before releasing them again to the wild.  They then went on a tour of the site to see the nets, and release more birds that had been caught during the morning.

Mr Paul Beltrame said “It was great for the students to see first-hand the restoration of the landscape, and why conservation activities like these is critical for the preservation of the woodland bird species”.

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