Catholic Education South Australia
17 Aug 2017
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Recipe for Kindness

St Margaret Mary’s School in Croydon Park has been making vegetable soup for those less fortunate and in need of some warmth this winter.

Students from all year levels, including the pre-school, have been assisted by their teachers and parent volunteers to make soup for the Adelaide Day Centre in Moore St, city.

Principal David Hillard said the students have been learning about the work of the centre and how their “small act of kindness” can mean so much to “people they don’t even know and will probably never meet”.

Each child donates one item to contribute to the soup which they then make together, taking turns to peel and chop the veggies and put them in the pot to stir.

“If people don’t eat they get weak…we made soup to help,” said pre-school student Prayag.

“Some people don’t have heating or warm food so we can bring them soup to help,” added Mac, a Year 5 student.


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Caritas College is proud to partner with the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) and BHP Billiton Foundation to provide an opportunity for girls in Years 9 and 10 from Catholic schools from around the Upper Spencer Gulf region to work with local industry role models exploring links between maths and career choices.

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