Catholic Education South Australia
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08 Dec 2016
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St Michael’s Rome Exchange

Recently St Michael’s College farewelled four students and two staff as they embarked on the 2016 Rome Exchange. Two Year 11 students; Eleanor and Nicola and Year 10 students  Annalise and Olivia. They are accompanied by Mrs Tonia Carfora and Mrs Maria Pepe-Micholos. The group will spend two weeks attending classes at St Michael’s sister-school, Collegio San Giuseppe de Mérode which was founded in the 17th Century and is situated near the stunning Spanish Steps in spectacular central Rome.

Their amazing experience will include visiting Pompei, Naples, Orvieto, Viterbo, Florence, Lucca, Verona and Milan.  Mrs Benedetti, the College’s Italian Coordinator explains that
“… although an exhausting and exhilarating experience for the students it will extend their language skills and intercultural skills and enables them to fully immerse themselves in the Italian culture. “

The group is due back just before Christmas and the College wishes them well on their journey and looks forward to hearing about their incredible trip.

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15 Nov 2016

On 10 November, the newly established St Anthony’s School Edwardstown Little Investigators Playgroup were delighted to welcome special visitors from Canberra and Goulburn Catholic Education Office, Tim Elliot Head of School Services and Alice Castrisson Early Childhood Project Officer, Jane Lemon from DECD and Tina Adamo from Catholic Education SA.

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