Catholic Education South Australia
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Catholic Education SA also offers office and professional-related services to complement our educational services.

Early Career Teachers

The ECT Consultancy, in collaboration with school leadership teams, assists in the formation and professional development of teachers new to Catholic Education SA.

A range of professional learning opportunities and online resources is complemented by in-school visits. Further information on the program is available in the working with us section

Teachers Meeting
We work to support our teachers which are new to Catholic Education.

Human Resources

The Human Resources Team provides a range of consultancy services to schools and the Catholic Education Office in the form of advice on a range of human resources and industrial matters.

Largely this includes providing advice on a range of HR and industrial matters, strategic system-wide HR project support, payroll and long service leave.


The Information and Communications Technology team supports the IT network across Catholic Education.

Children on iPads

Infrastructure, Development and Planning

The focus of the Infrastructure and Development Team is in supporting schools through  capital development and contracts regarding the maintenance and development of their school buildings.

The team not only provides a support role - it also brings industry expertise to our schools.

The Catholic Education Office also provides expert advice and support in the areas of planning and how schools can prepare for growth through enrolments and financial planning in terms of managing their own infrastructure development.

Leadership Development

Catholic Education SA is committed to strong school leadership that is inspired by our Catholic faith. 

The Leadership Development Team is responsible for providing quality support, coordination and professional learning in leadership in the Catholic context.  We work with aspiring and current Deputy Principals and Principals in Catholic schools in SA to ensure that schools flourish through dynamic leadership.

Key areas of work undertaken by the Leadership Development Team include:

Profiling of Leaders: By knowing our people we provide personalised services for continuous improvement of leadership in CESA.

Principal & Deputy Principal Appointments: By appointing strong leaders we ensure quality schooling in Catholic Education in South Australia.

Developing Aspiring Leaders: By investing in the development of strong leaders we ensure the ongoing health and continuous improvement of Catholic schools.

Professional Learning & Personal Development: By engaging leaders in ongoing professional learning and personal development, leaders grow in dynamic ways.

Principal & Deputy Principal Appraisals and Professional Learning Plans: By supporting quality appraisal processes we challenge leaders to aspire to continual professional and personal growth.

System Health, Wellbeing & Safety: By developing each leader’s capacity in system compliance and accountabilities, we support the growth of healthy, safe school communities.

CESA uses resources from the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL).

AITSL is a collaborative organisation drawing on the expertise of the Australian government, all state and territory education departments and the wider education community.

It promotes excellence in teaching and school leadership practice for the benefit of all young Australians by providing policies, advice and resources to support all Australian educators to become expert practitioners.

The Australian Professional Standard for Principals is a public statement which sets out what principals are expected to know, understand and do to achieve in their work.

Marketing & Communications

The role of Marketing and Communications is to promote the offerings of Catholic Education SA and to support schools in their building of relationships with local communities through marketing and communication with a range of audiences.

Services available to schools

Market research: providing support and analysis of research into community demographics, satisfaction, school choice and transition to schools.

Branding: advice and design of logos, stationery, signage, graphics or complete rebrands.

Photography/Filming: assistance with photo shoots at a local school and connections with high-quality photographers and film makers.

Marketing for schools:  support in strategic planning for marketing, assistance with advertising (digital & print), flyers and school promotions.

Communications: assistance in strategic planning, development of e-comms including newsletters/flyers and communication plans.

Boarding: providing promotion, advisory support, training and connections with national agenda.

Graphic design: assistance in designing brochures, reports and other printed collateral and connections with graphic designers.

Website development program: involving training at each end of the development spectrum - from training in web site strategy and content development, through to launches of redeveloped web sites.

Shared ideas: a collaborative session for marketing professionals in our schools.

Services we offer in-house to Catholic Education teams

Our team supports the internal communication needs of the Catholic Education Office.  It offers assistance with conferences, publications, CESA web development, graphic design (including document development, image provision), logo/branding and crisis management.

To contact the Marketing and Communications Team,   P: (08) 8301 6863.