Catholic Education South Australia

Students come from a variety of cultural and religious backgrounds and live in diverse forms of family.

Our schools are inspired by the Gospel and the Christian tradition and focussing on the integration of faith, life and culture.

Catholic schools, in partnership with families, aim to form young people in ways that take into account the whole person.

Catholic educators make a vital contribution to promoting the development of the human person, fostering social consciousness, nurturing prayer and encouraging young people to engage the living Tradition of the faith community.

The Catholic school aims to invite children and young people to faith in ways that are contemporary and meaningful. It endeavours to draw them more deeply into the life of the Catholic Church while respecting the religious freedom of those from other religious backgrounds. 

Catholic schools work in partnership with:

These also provide further opportunities for collaborative formation of students.

The Office of Family &  Parish Based Catechesis have produced a document to support those preparing children for the Sacraments of Initiation with a pastoral framework which both educators and parents will find beneficial.

Please contact your school for further information.

Download Partnerships In Sacramental Catechesis Framework

Adelaide Archdiocese is currently gearing up for the Australian Catholic Youth Festival, which be held at the Convention Centre in December 2015.

Recently the Youth Ministry Festival came to Adelaide.  400 people from across Australia came to Adelaide for the Australian Catholic Youth Ministry Convention (ACYMC) over the long weekend in October. Youth Ministers, Chaplains, Volunteers, Teachers, Priests and Religious attended the recent convention. Held over three days at Saint Aloysius College, St Francis Xavier Cathedral and the Adelaide Convention Centre, ACYMC was hosted by the Adelaide Archdiocese for the first time and participants enjoyed the rich culture and spirituality of this great city.