Catholic Education South Australia
13 May 2016
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Schools in the Spotlight

A number of our schools featured in The Advertiser in the lead up to Catholic Education Week (May 13 – 20).


The Advertiser - May 7 Edition

The May 7 edition of The Advertiser featured a 24 page magazine with detailed profiles on every South Australian Catholic School and what they have to offer your child. Click to read more (online magazine).


The Advertiser - May 5 Edition

Cardijn College was featured in an article highlighting their involvement in a Curtin University student into the value of student perception surveys. The article also highlighted their focus on STEM education.


The Advertiser – May 3 Edition

Two stories were featured in The Advertiser on May 3.

An article about Rostrevor College's new early learning centre that will support children from birth until they are ready to commence school.

An additional article about Kildare College students who have launched a new book outlining the stories of eight indigenous servicemen and women.


The Advertiser - May 2 Edition

Saint Aloysius College students were the focus of an article published on May 2.

The article highlighted the college’s visit to Pipalyatjara, a community in northwest South Australia, earlier this year. Many positive connections have been made through the mutual partnership.


The Advertiser Photoshoot

Students from five schools took part in an Advertiser photo shoot for Catholic Education Week.

The students featured are from:

  • St Joseph’s School Hectorville
  • St Pauls College
  • Christ the King School
  • Thomas More College
  • Loreto College


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06 May 2016

Signs are popping up all over Adelaide as schools prepare to celebrate Catholic Education Week...

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